Saturday, April 28, 2007

The Weird to the wacked to the totally abstract...

Never in my life have I been so totally unable to focus on my task at hand. I'm fighting to ever print out more research on my porject on Indian Drought and I don't want to even discuss my paper on Yvain that is getting closer and closer. I have officially given up on getting anything of substance done today and have decided that I will just type up this little entry and then run errands that need to be run so that I will have Sunday free to work. The day here is utterly gray and opressive and really the only thing I am looking foward to is getting to see my friend perform a traditional indian dance and the ALANA talent show tonight. I couldn't tell you why I'm so out of it today. I opted not to go party at all last night. However I did have a rather fantastic day with Drew.

You see every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday Drew, Zach and I meet at the school's Marche' for lunch. Usually it's an hour event since I have a class but that was cancelled and Drew and I went downtown to the new comic book store, then got frree ice cream at the Honors Dorm where I pretended to be smart for gummibears. We went off to the palace 9 theatre where we saw HOT FUZZ (fantastic! 100 stars! Simon Pegg Edgar Wright and Nick Frost are the heirs to comedy's pantheon of Gods!) and then got flatbread at Burlington Heart (omgz lolz flatbread) THEN we all went back to UHeight watched mystery science theatre 3k and then I passed out. Since I had been up the night before till 4am (Drew got locked out while his roomate did the late show on the college radio station so we hung out and watched when Harry Met Sally.)

*****AHHH sorry in the cyber cafe and a girl just walked by with pants that were so tight that she was limping and sh had and awful muffin top annnnnd she had her shirt pulled up like a crop top and i just almost threw up a little jesus christ why cant people wear clothes that fit them for Goddess' sake.*****

Anyway the night as a whole was great. Dave and Matt and I had a cool discussion about music in the park and Drew fell asleep on the bench and it was kind of adorable.

I really can't wait until this semsester is over. I really really need the Summer and my upcoming trip to seattle to see my cousin Martin and generally have a fantastic time.

I miss Matt. I really do. so. soon.

I think on some level I should use a blog to say something worthwhile but I don't have much worthwile to say.

I guess I'm just shouting my life into cyberspace a bit.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Holy Freaking Hell

I may actually like this...

I am an idiot

After months of waiting I missed the entire JRR Tolkien Conference at UVM because my friend GAbby came up and I haent seen him since he was in Israel for a year. I assumed that there was something else going on besides undergraduate papers on Sunday Morning, which I of course slept through.

But I was wrong

And life sucks right now.