Sunday, October 26, 2008

Isadora, Multimedia Dance Piece

Boy! It's been such an epic gap between updates! In my defense though, there have been a ton of new developments in my personal and kinoeye (ie moving image making related to camera work) life. Midterms hit me with vengeance and though they all went well they took up most of my extra time and left me fairly dead to the word and unable to post.

So, since my last post I've been keeping pretty busy. I was a PA for a commercial shoot with Verde Group which was a cute little two day gig. They're a great little VT based indie production company owned by a husband and wife, so it was local.

I've started working with the choreographer Susan Levine, doing the experimental videography for her dance piece titled Miss. We're using this really interesting program called Isadora. 

Here's a little video that explains what it does and how it works:

Should be pretty cool. I'll keep you updated. Check out Troika Ranch, they do a lot of really dope multimedia work.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Turn, Twist, Wrench


if you clip the wings of a dragonfly

it will contort on the wood floor, until someone kills it


flapping in desperation

unable to move properly, only to squirm


that’s what’s in my gut


I can feel its rise, like mutant ecstasy

shattering my concentration


ripping through my grey matter like gojira

rising, born out of my shadowy depths


…breathe slow.

lest the beast overtake you


fingers on collarbones tapping constantly

with the part and parcel and whole twisting inside me


digging teeth into cuticle flesh

and gnawing the inside of my mouth


like a trapped animal trying to bone-saw an appendage

sacrificing a limb to save it’s own life


the unrelenting hum in my brain, sturm und drang

warnings of danger long-past or never-was


memory, open now

I remember convincing myself of suffocation


on route four, in the morning, in the traffic,

in the car, driving to work, having to pull over


I wanted to climb out the window in the filthy truck stop

and scream


the tsunami has reached my shores

it blows out my mind


I’m acting weird and my hand starts bleeding

the blood filling the empty space between nail and flesh


there is no escape, it’s inside your head

and the congestion of people is so frightening


even familiar faces, like masks

vulgar trauma personified


till my whole self, wrenched by dread

barely cognitive



is sucked through the wind-tunnel foyer

out the door, into the night


expelled onto the porch

invisible, sweating, pupils narrow


cold air makes me shudder harder

…breathe slow.


delicately, strand of hair by strand of hair

I unmount my terror, and open my pack


Don’t you know that’s bad for you?

Excuse me, I only smoke so I can breathe.


squish and crunch

a rocket out of horror

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

It's wednesday. Rhe and I got food

Some things that happened:


Permanent Trauma, wtf is up with this mask?!

I bought delicious mushrooms. From the co-op guys, seriously.

City Market Co-Op has the best produce man. Organic and local goodness baby!
Even the bag is heady and recycled and edible!

Good Girls Love Yogurt

Cake Mix for a dollar!

I menace Cliff with a mixer!

Rhea's mouth