Saturday, September 22, 2012

Chain Break

for equinox & equinox-ers

-goosebumps rolling
expanses of skin not yet swaddled.
for soil and tree; fall is pentecost
tongues of fire turning skull chakras
into open hearths-

-graveyard tunes
shake over calcium-dirt and statue
they'll lend you old virtues
in exchange for a mercury dime
for each eye-

-germination ceases
and this veil thins. world's caul ragged and delicate
from sun. wood-smoke, honor my meditations:
"try to not levitate too far off the ground
before snow"

-for each eye
an iris,

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

The Yes Factory

            Yes is a chance that you take.
           Yes is a positive word that lays a cruel path. When we say it we step into the unknown. There are more possibilities with a Yes, and more work.

            When we say Yes we open ourselves to long drives around the lake at midnight with half a tank of gas and bummed cigarettes, to the possibility of heartbreak in public on 14th street, to getting our noses broken at the dive bar with the sticky floor, to a new life that is never what you expected it to be, for better or for worse.

            The people whose lives have changed mine have always been those marked by the mystical powers of Yes. They live with hope and courage in a world that seeks to rob us of those virtues. The declaration of Yes carries an oath to change our way of being. It promises to alter us with the heat of our own fire.

            The writings on these pages are the work of those who took a chance. I asked people to send me their delicate wild ones. Pieces that refused to ignore pain or darkness, but greeted it like an old friend, and still said Yes in the morning. I hope you enjoy the work that follows.
