No Kids I'm not joking. At what point did Hitler go, "Fuck this, it's giant green gorillas all the way!"
Or perhaps this classic moment...

Yes, ladies and gentleman, his superpower appears to be taking sterioids. And Wearing really shitty white hotpants.
Yet nothing hits me like this one...

HENRY THE NEIGHBORS CALLED AND THEY ARE CONFUSED. I'm confused why he wants to confuse the neighbors and why he needs a BOOK to do it. Who the hell wrote this tome? Is there a market for texts like these?
This too gets honorable mention...

Why is she a nurse at a castle and where did she get such a dope cape. I want it. Want want want.
And for the finale...

In other news, I am in Jersey and Drew is coming tomorrow to hang out for a few days. We're going to the MOMA! Hooray!